The Gray Man has been reviewed just once.
The Gray Man (2022) - 6/10
Everything is ridiculous and flamboyant to the nth degree nowadays; films, popular music, energy prices, and films, like this one. It's an entertaining watch but it really is quite absurd. I guess that's what the kids are into nowadays but, genuinely, where do you stop? Because it's getting a bit silly now. I'm nearly in my 40s and get grumpier by the day but fucking hell. However, it does have Ana De Amas is in it and I would happily watch her choke my first born. She is perfectly cast for this preposterous film because she is just outrageously easy on the eye. Honestly, seeing her face compels both a strange sense of contentment whilst also inspiring a mad craving of some sort in my loins which I'm 99% sure can only be satiated by jamming my dick into something. She is absolutely a 10/10; this film, on the other hand, barely gets half that.