District 9 has been reviewed a total of 3 times with an average rating of 5.
District 9 (2009) - 6/10
This is a film about a bunch of aliens that are kept locked away in a shanty town. Being the minority, and being in South Africa - which, as we know, is really good at being racist - they're not treated wonderfully well. On top of that they've had all their fancy technology taken from them. So without the alien equivalent of their ipods, laptops, and camera phones, their lives are pretty shit. Think that is bad? Well, they aren't allowed an Internet connection either!
District 9 (2009) - 6/10
As previously mentioned, the 'fookin prawn' shouts are what you'll remember most from this film.. It's a seriously mad concept and that may be the problem, its like a pisstake movie.. Kept me watching tho, worth a blimp..
District 9 (2009) - 5/10
Fookin sneaky prawn! Bizarre film that arrived to much fanfare and hype, personally i thought it was awful, rubbish effects, rubbish story and the lead guy has a face u just want to punch. I've been told thats the point etc but him and his bizarre South African accent is to much for me. Though 'fookin prawn' will live on as a classic beyond our generations.