Missing: The Lucie Blackman Case has been reviewed just once.
Missing: The Lucie Blackman Case (2023) - 5/10
No-one reads any more, do they? Do you? I mean, some must, mustn't they? Because books are still a thing and beatsellers are still a thing and books are still something that Amazon sells, although Amazon sells fucking everything nowdays, from cherry flavoured lube to diamoned-tipped brillbits and 12-foot high beachballs that will most likely kill actual people if ever taken to an even slightly breezy beach. And let's be honest, have you ever been on a beach that isn't breezy? Anyway, I ask this question because there's a book about this case - called People Who Eat Darkness – and I read it a decade ago, and it's a fantastic book. I very much enjoy true crime, I very much enjoy hearing about young attractive women being slayed and so I very much enjoyed this book. So my advice to you is, to read the book, rather than watch this. But then, for visuals, maybe watch this too. Oh I don't know. Fucking do whatever you want.