The Remarkable Life of Ibelin has been reviewed just once.
The Remarkable Life of Ibelin (2024) - 5/10
World of Warcraft is for fucking nerds. Let's get that clear straight away. I've played online games myself in past, which, being honest, were also for nerds, but I was young and - I know this may shock you - I was a bit of a nerd back then. Anyway, the point I'm making here is that there's plenty of nerds about who need shit to do with their time. Even better if it involves them interacting with women, something your average nerd never does. Now that I've said all that disparaging shit, I'll admit that I'm delighted that there are online games for people who struggle socially to interact with others. Especially those people who are disabled and/or struggle to make friends in the real world. And this documentary is a celebration of that. Although, the animated scenes nearly had me reaching for the off button, but I persevered because I'm a fucking hero.