Funny film reviews written by you!

Gone Girl has been reviewed just once.

Gone Girl (2014) - 6/10

This film is all about how absolutely batshit crazy women are. We all know it; we've all endured it in the past. Women even know it themselves. Most of them revel in it. They love to push your buttons. To watch as you suffer the latest verbal blow, to watch as you slow blink, to see the rage bubble up from your belly and catch in your throat. It's right at that moment that they'll execute the finishing move. One crisp, cutting lyrical dagger straight to your heart. It's then that your pride takes over. It's then that all the years of shit are realised at once, in a ball of fury so fierce that you can't control it. You feel it moving across your diaphragm, up to your shoulder and down your arm, burning, burning as it goes. It ultimately ends up at your fist, and try as you might to squeeze it away, it burns ever brighter. Your arm begins to shake with the wrath. At this stage, there's no going back. The only verdict is vengeance, delivered swiftly by your knuckles, to the bridge of her nose. She won't get up but she will cry, sobbing uncontrollably, despite, knowing this was her aim all along. Floored she may be, but she will take the win, knowing she has you in the palm of her hand. You leave her there, victorius, grabbing a beer from the fridge as you go. You try, try, try to drink it all away but you know - and most importantly - she knows, you'll fail miserably, just like the fuck up that you are.

Posted by Mike on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 / imdb / amazon

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