The Shining has been reviewed a total of 4 times with an average rating of 9.
The Shining (1980) - 9/10
Scary little kids freak me out and you don't get any scarier than the little bastard in The Shining. Not to mention the woman in the bath, or the twins... Oh fuck them twins. Remind me to never stay in an old hotel ever again.
The Shining (1980) - 9/10
Jack Nicholson is brilliant in this Stanley Kubrick masterpiece...theres still traces of shit in my kecks from this film and i watched it several years ago.
The Shining (1980) - 9/10
Superb casting, superb location, superb story, superb score, superb direction. Superb, end of.
The Shining (1980) - 9/10
REDRUM REDRUM REDRUM !! Very good scared the shite out of me as a kid and still makes me feel uncomfortable now..