Nil By Mouth has been reviewed a total of 3 times with an average rating of 6.
Nil By Mouth (1997) - 6/10
We all know that Ray Winston is fairly adept at playing the hard Cockney geezer who will mentally pummel you down with verbal abuse before, inevitably, lashing out physically whilst spitting out the most colourful language. That's just what he does. He's been doing it for ages. And in all that time this is probably the most violent, the most abusive and the most cock-bollocks-shit-cunt that he's ever been. If you're into swearing or beating your girlfriend, then you'll like this.
Nil By Mouth (1997) - 7/10
A bit disturbing, in fact very fucking disturbing! Bit of advice, dont watch on a first date, or second or third..
Nil By Mouth (1997) - 7/10
Ray Winstone is a cunt in this film, set in the shithole that is the east end of London......pulls no punches.