Platoon has been reviewed a total of 3 times with an average rating of 8.
Platoon (1986) - 6/10
If this film is to be believed then it's no wonder that America got owned in Vietnam; they were obviously too busy shooting each other to bother killing any gooks. I used to like this when I was a kid, but soldiers running around jungles has just been done to death now, and I don't really consider this anything other than another average war film, but war films ain´t my bag, baby.
Platoon (1986) - 9/10
Oh come on, this you need to see this.. U really need to see this.. More swearing than an episode of kitchen nightmares but a magnificent movie..
Platoon (1986) - 9/10
The harsh reality of the Vitenam war, i love Vietnam war films and this is right up there...Tom Berenger is one cunt though.