Valkyrie has been reviewed a total of 3 times with an average rating of 6.
Valkyrie (2008) - 6/10
Hitler was abit of a twat really wasnt he, I mean look at all the shit he caused, the people he killed, the countries he invaded and that tache, it screams twat. Well this film tries to prove that not all the Nazis / German really wanted a complete twat as there leader and not all of them thought the sun shined out of his arse. It actually turns out that quite a few people wanted him dead, just a damn shame they didnt succeed.
Valkyrie (2008) - 6/10
Worth a watch but i cant stand films were Americans and Brits are playing Germans and speaking English... what the fuck.
Valkyrie (2008) - 6/10
Did you know that Adolf Hitler had about 50 attempts made against his life? And they're just the ones we know about. And he survived them all. Do you know why? Because Adolf Hitler was pure fucking evil, and you can't just kill evil like that. Evil like that is pretty much indestructable. This film is about one of those attempts, and how, like the rest, it failed. Eventually Hitler took his own life, because even with all the forces of good in the world attempting to kill him, they had failed.