Legion has been reviewed a total of 4 times with an average rating of 6.
Legion (2010) - 6/10
As most films go the beginning is great the end is a bit of a let down, just think Terminator and you'll have the idea of this film, Skynet = God, Terminator = Angels, Kyle Reese = Michael and a women carrying a baby that if it doesn't live we don't either, bugger!
Legion (2010) - 6/10
Well here we go again, God's got all Old Testament on the earth again and instead of raining down the fire and the brimstone and the wrath he decides to send the 'Dogs of Heaven' to clean the earth of the virus that is us humans. Though as usual one of the Arch Angels decides hes going to stand up and fight, disobeniant bunch these Angels, you would of thought if God says to you 'No' you dont do that shit, but what do we mortals know. Anyway not to bad but not heaven sent either, hahaha, sorry.
Legion (2010) - 6/10
Another take on the good vs evil concept, except who's the good and who's the bad? Imagine you've got 3 dogs; one dog signifies your typical religious God-is-punishing-us sort of film, one is a typical zombie film, and the final dog represents The Terminator film. Now you breed these dogs together, and create a cross breed; it's cheaper and safer than a pedigree dog, but just not as good, in many ways. That's what this film is like. It's alright, but it certainly won't be winning any awards.
Legion (2010) - 6/10
Enjoyed this film..the grandma bit is fucking funny as fuck.