Meet Joe Black has been reviewed a total of 2 times with an average rating of 7.
Meet Joe Black (1998) - 6/10
Joe Black goes out for a coffee, meets a beautiful girl and they part amicably, living separate lives, happily ever after... Well, for a few minutes, until he gets hit by a bus. Didn't see that coming did you? Well nor did he... The Grim Reaper then decides to ditch the traditional black, hooded robe look and take up the Brad Pitt look, which, to be fair, we'd all do if we could. Death then goes about his business of being all killy in his new body.
Meet Joe Black (1998) - 8/10
Brad Pitt is death and comes to take Anthony Hopkins away but he wants to spend some time with him first. Watched this again the other night and it just gets better..its a long one like but it doesnt get boring at all...sad in parts and funny aswell...Hopkins is amazing.