Rampage has been reviewed a total of 2 times with an average rating of 7.
Rampage (2009) - 8/10
This is about an angry young man who dresses himself in a full body Kevlar suit, arms himself with explosives, combat artillery, and unlimited ammo, and then he just goes totally fucking Columbine. And it's brilliant. There's more death in this than there is during an eight hour gaming session on GTA.
Rampage (2009) - 7/10
If I get made to work over Christmas then this is the kinda shit you're gonna see !!! It's nothing that we haven't sorta seen before but its done well and it's pretty fuckin scary. Thing is, there are crazy fooks out there who actually do very similar shit to this so beware people and always were your bulletproof vest when shopping at Morrisons !!