Salt has been reviewed a total of 4 times with an average rating of 6.
Salt (2010) - 6/10
So according to this film Russia has thousands of spies integrated into the West, readying themselves for Day X. It made me wonder if anyone I know might be a Russian spy. I came up with 3 possibilities: my mate, Mark; my girlfriend, Claire; or my next door neighbour, Admiral Cloakanddaggerov. I'm going to keep an eye on all three, just in case. You'll find yourself muttering plenty of 'as if's and 'why is he/she doing that's during this film, but it's entertaining enough.
Salt (2010) - 7/10
Didn't think id like this because I don't like hard woman..they don't fucking exist..i could batter every woman on this planet just ask my disabled wife...anyway..good story line and nice fight scenes ..thought Jolie was boss.
Salt (2010) - 6/10
Have you seen the car chase? Never mind shooting round fucking corners? Its awesome for the CGI etc but you do LOL at the stupid shit. Never watch with a physics nut. Steven Hawkings would sound like a V90 modem he'd be so enraged.
Salt (2010) - 6/10
Not a bad film, but not great either. More over the top senseless action in parts with a fair few twists along the way. Oh and Angelina's moist box ....