In My Sleep has been reviewed a total of 2 times with an average rating of 3.
In My Sleep (2009) - 3/10
I remember a while ago I'd gone a couple of days, for whatever reason, without having a shit. I don't recall why, but it must have been important, because shitting is right up there with eating on my priority list. Anyway, when I finally did unleash the hell of my insides I blocked the toilet. Seriously. We had to get a plumber and everything. That must have been one massive piece of shit. Not as big a piece of shit, however, as this film.
In My Sleep (2009) - 3/10
The actual idea behind this is good, it really is, its just everything else that lets its down, crap acting : oh yeah, poor sets : you have no idea, looks like it was filmed by a 4 year old : indeed! There is a bit where he wakes in his bed ( obviously for a film about sleep) and I swear as he moves not just the bed but the entire set etc moves with him. It looks like someone got bored on a porn film and tried to film an actual movies in between DPing Sally and Britneys gangbang...