The Cabin In The Woods has been reviewed a total of 2 times with an average rating of 4.
The Cabin In The Woods (2011) - 6/10
This was an interesting take on Doomsday, Armaggedon, the End of Days, whatever the hell you want to call it, good action from start to finish, the ending is packed with creatures of all shapes and sizes, decent storyline and a cameo from Sigourney Weaver. Good effort IMO..
The Cabin In The Woods (2011) - 3/10
Did you know that because Black Vultures have weaker beaks than raptorial birds, they have to eat any rotting corpses they find from the arsehole inwards? Because that's the soft spot. Well I would rather be a Black Vulture using my mouth to tunnel into the rotting brown pipe of some long dead desert rodent than watch this film again. You might think it's supposed to be a black comedy and I missed the point, but if you think that then fuck you. Some of the monsters are good, but you don't see enough of them.